Over 150 participants from Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries attended the international forum. In total, more than 60 papers were presented. The plenary papers were presented by leading specialists of the Russian state governance bodies, top managers of metals producers and commercial companies.
Forum objectives
· pooling of experience and extension of business and personal contacts;
· introduction to state-of-the-art technological solutions;
· presentation of equipment and new types of products;
· development of international cooperation;
Forum topics
· Aspects of development and projected price dynamics in the raw material and finished product markets;
· Green steel - new technologies;
· New refractory types, material price trends and consumption patterns;
· Additive technologies for a metals producer;
· Industry 4.0 - building the digital enterprise;
· Personnel training for the metals sector;
· Tour of NUST MISIS, the leading research and educational center of Russia.
E.P. Karavayev (Dr.sc.oec., Prof.), METPROM Senior Expert, presented his paper at the round table "Changing the structure and strategy of the Russian and global markets, opportunities and potential of the metals industry in the current environment of sanction restrictions." Further on this topic, the attendees discussed "State support measures for metals producers in current conditions."