

Date, venue: 8 - 10 October 2019, Vyksa
Event info:
On October 8-10, 2019, the Interregional Public Organization "Association of Rolling Experts" held the XII International Rolling Congress to share state-of-the-art scientific, methodological, production and technological developments in rolling, pipe and tube, metalware production. The congress took place at Vyksa Steel Works under the sponsorship of METPROM and NUST MISIS. The 100th anniversary of the Scientific School of Metal Forming with NUST MISIS was celebrated at the congress.
There were 232 attendees: managers and experts of steel producers, R&D institutes, design offices, colleges and universities, equipment manufacturers from Russia, as well as Austria, Belarus, Germany, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, France, and Czech Republic.
The congress was conducted in two plenary sessions and five workshops. In total, 98 papers were presented on various topics in flat rolling, long product rolling, tube and pipe production, roll and roll guide operation, and theoretical aspects of rolling processes. The largest groups of attendees were from Severstal, NLMK, Evraz Holding, Metalloinvest, MMK, OMK, TMK, R&D institutes: Chermet named after Bardin, RosNITI; universities: MISIS, MSTU named after Nosov, Ural Federal University.
A tour was organized for the attendees: the complex "Plate Mill 5000 - Pipe Rolling Shop No. 4; Casting and Rolling Complex - Pipe Rolling Shop No. 3; Wheel Rolling Shop.
2019-10-13 11:38