Revamping of EAF Meltshop No. 2 with a dry gas cleaning plant for EAF-200
Dismantling of reinforced concrete structures - 1,000 m3
Dismantling of steel structures - 100 t
Dismantling of roofing and profiled flooring - 15,000 m2
Installation of enclosures - 10,000 m2
Installation of process equipment - 1,830 tons
Installation of steel structures - 3,500 t
Scope of work
Over RUB 3 bn
Investment volume
Dismantling and installation of the EAF meltshop roofing, laying of off-gas ducts inside and outside the shop, erection of the off-gas duct and GCP equipment. Wiring of gas cleaning equipment, installation of utility systems. Commissioning